FastFind II (or FF2) is a program to rapidly find files across all your WIN drives using criteria such as the file name, extension, date, time, size, type and contents. You can specify the files you are looking for using wild cards and simple conditions. You can do very rapid secondary searches on selections of files that have already been collected.
Search WINs 1 & 2 for Date > 2020, Name containing "test", Extension either bas or txt
Needs SMSQ/E, or Minerva with PE (assumed, not tested), plus Qlib_run, ptrmen_cde, and preferably FileInfo2 and Qmenu. It can also make use of external programs such as QD and Qpac2 Files, although other programs might also be usable in their place.
Hardwarewise FF2 needs a fast system. I have tested it with a RaspberryPI B4+ running SMSQmulator, and the speed seems perfectly acceptable. You are unlikely to enjoy it on any genuine QL-like hardware, although that may depend on what you are used to..
You will also need one or more WIN drives, plenty of RAM and preferably a large display. Works in graphic modes 0, 16, 32, and 33. SSSS sound is optional.
The point of this program is to find a file, or files. This may be because you dont remember where they are located, or merely as a quick way of accessing them, without having to delve through layers of directories to get to them.
Once youve found your file, or narrowed your selection of files, you can view them, open them in the right program to manipulate them, or open the containing folder where the rest of the associated file set resides.
Most of those operations rely on other software you use. Some of those you can configure directly from FF2, others can be accessed in the usual way via FileInfo2, or by other means you use to open files in their associated programs.
This software is in development. Suggestions for features and improvements are welcome (although I cannot promises that they will be implemented!). Please report any bugs you encounter. Some feedback on what you like and dont like, or even just that you use it, would be welcome!
Take a sneak preview of the FF2 Manual here.
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