Connect it to a Hotkey and snip away! Save snips as PIC files or as the much more compact RLE-compressed PAC files. Typical screen type data compresses down to 10-30% of the orginal PIC file size. View with QuickView (QV) or other PIC and PAC-capable viewers.
Select the area to snip using mouse or cursor keys, or simply click on the window of a running program to select its entire display.
Saved snips can easily be converted to sprites and other formats for use in your own program developments. (See here for some exmple routines to do so.)
Box in area to snip
Snip displayed in QV
As it stands, this utility only runs under SMSQ/E. While Qdos/Minerva are physically capable of running it, it cant be done without a re-write and/or a suitable "compatibility toolkit".
It should run in most common screen modes: 0, (8), 16, 32, 33. (QL mode 8 works, but the mode 0 sprites used dont display in mode 8. Atari mono: not currently supported.)
A sample boot file is included in "..snp_boot". LRUN this to check whether your system has the necessary toolkits loaded. If not it will load them so you can try out the program.
Go to the Snip manual..