- 2025/03/09 Update
- Updated MDINFO. Fixed bug in MDHEADR$.
- 2025/02/22 Update
- Obfuscater. Added a second pass to further process the code.
- Updated LastMatch yet again. It can now also be EXecuted in SBASIC and RUN in SuperBASIC, etc.
2025/02/19 New
- S*BASIC source code obfuscater. Working POC sketch.
2025/02/10 Updates
- Updated MDINFO. MDFREE and MDGOOD should now work with large host filesystem disks.
- Ive also sneakily tweaked QOMBI and Msprv(2), but without giving them new version numbers!
- 2025/01/31 Updates
- Thanks to incoming feedback Ive fixed and tweaked a few items:
- A few glitches fixed in QOMBI. However, it still languishes in V0.99.
- Squashed a few bugs in Msprv. It now also works without QMenu instead of ignominiously crashing.
- 2025/01/10 Updates, additions, tweaks, etc
- Updated Library files. Download this if you intend to reassemble any of my toolkits.
- Updated Keywords, a utlity to list S*BASIC keywords found in binary files of many kinds.
- Added sb2obj. Add line numbers (if needed), tokenize and compile an SBASIC program at the touch of a button.
- Tidied Chans toolkit and documentation. Still V0.03, though.
- Added updated version of Msprv and Sprv, to display PE sprites and their information.
- Added Spr2Asm, a sprite disassembler. Turns "any" sprite binary into assembler code.
- Updated text and added examples to OWNJOB: Take ownership of a job.
- Some clarifications and tweaks made to explanatory texts in MkSpr (renamed MkBlk!) and BlbCol based on better information.
- Updated QOMBI to V0.99. Some bug fixes and two new features.
- Added QOMBI sources. Needs the full version (above) to run!
- Added Spr2RLE. Compress GD2 sprites. SBASIC Source code and executable utility.
- Updated FINDNAME. More logical default behaviour?
- Added Black Jack - a pretty boring game, but well, its there so I thought I might as well..
- Upgraded QWIRC, the WIN container file manager. New features, bug fixes, usable on more platforms.
- Updated DOX the host file system browser. Should work on platforms running on Linux hosts too.
- Updated Mag to work in QL mode 0 too. In QL mode Qptr toolkit must be loaded for the RPIXL command.
- Added two new screen savers: Mandalas and Squares
- Updated article Find the Key to make the general routine (Listing 3) more robust
- Minor tweak to QuickHTM. Sample header and footer now compliant. No new version number, though.
- Added DocWrap, a simple utility to wrap lines in documents without line breaks.
- Updated StuffScrap. Slight tweak to allow for longer input lines.
- Added CHSWAP, swap two S*BASIC channels.
- Updated Q2S. Added PAUSE with optional channel parameter. For Qdos JS+.
- Updated WQRDLI to V0.04: Fixed small bug in elimination display.
- Added ROMAN$, a function to convert Arabic numerals to Roman.
- Added SBBox, a utility to add info boxes to S*BASIC program code.
- Added a fast line drawing routine using pixel coordinates (S*BASIC).
- Added two toolkits for variable comparison COMP% and COMPM%
- Updated SGPT to V0.03: Deliberately doesnt error on out of range.
- Added two toolkits for bit-manipulation LOGOPS and BITS
- Added GETDATE: Split a date in seconds into its components: YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mn, ss, WD.
- New, rewritten, version of ParseFnm. Cleaner. Leaner. Meaner!
- Clarified a few things with FileInfo II tools. No new version number, though.
- Added IOB2MEM: Load part of a file into a buffer.
- Added NSTR$: Get Name-type string (1 byte length) from memory. Compare such strings (NSTRCMP% included)
- Added CSTR$: Get a null-terminated (C-type) string from memory. Compare such strings (CSTRCMP% included)
- Added JB_FIND Find whether a given job is running.
- De-muddled EVEN. (ODD wasnt included in link file.)
- Further update to documentation for LSBYTES. No new version number, though.
- Old changes 2004 to 2023
QL Software