Bcc is a small utility to help with choosing the correct conditional branch
instruction in assembler (which I never seem able to remember!)
Unzip the program into a suitable directory, say <path>. In your boot
file somewhere enter the following (or similar):
ERT HOT_CHP1("C", "<path>Bcc_obj")
In a suitable assembler file, if in doubt, put your cursor where the
branch instruction (or DBcc, or indeed Scc, with a little post-editing)
should go and press ALT SHIFT C (or whatever other key you chose). Select
the condition you wish to be met; the signed version in the left column,
the unsigned in the right column. DO the condition, and out pops the
correct code.
cmp.l dX,dY ; If X <= Y (unsigned) go to label
bcc.s label
Thats it!
Program status
V0.04, pjw, 2021 Dec 08
Conditions and DISCLAIMER as per Knoware.no
QL Software