DocWrap ======= Utility to wrap lines in a document without line breaks. Note: Input lines longer than about 4096 characters in length will choke the program. You could try running the S*BASIC version, or recompiling it with a higher $$buff setting. Note: If the document is already broken into lines and you wish to (re)create a document with lines of a different length, this utility is not for that. Ie it is not designed to re-format a document. Usage ===== The command line takes up to three parameters: /I<input file name> /O<output file name> /L<output line length> If either of the file names contain '/' or spaces the name should be wrapped in matching quotes. (Not needed for the shortcut options. See below.) EW </path>DocWrap_obj; "/I'ram1_long lines_txt' /Oram1_wrapped_txt /L70" The command above causes the text file ram1_long lines_txt to be wrapped to 70 character long lines in ram1_wrapped_txt. Shortcuts --------- It is possible to omit the output file name, in which case the input file is overwritten by the result (via an intermediary file that is deleted on termination). If a file name is the ONLY item on the command line, then the /I key is not required. The output will then overwrite the input file, as above. The line length defaults to 75 characters. If NO command line is given, and there is a valid file name in the stuffer buffer ending on "txt", then the program operates as above. This is convenient in case you wish to add the program to a hotkey. Note: /O and /L options on their own wont work. To set a different line length or output file than the default you also have to specify an input file using the /I key. Configuration ============= You can change the default line length without having to recompile the program by using a hex editor or some other editor, such as DP's The Editor to alter the size directly in the binary: Search for the text ' 75 Default line length' near the top of the program and alter the 75 to your prefered number. Make sure you only overwrite the <space>75 and dont alter the length. Also, make sure your editor resaves the file with the job header or the program will no longer work. Alternatively you need to make the change in the source code and recompile it. Program Status ============== V0.01, pjw, 2024 Feb 06 Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per
Generated by QuickHTM, 2024 Feb 06