DOX - A DOS Filename Selector ============================= DOX is a utility applet for emulators running SMSQ/E to browse for and select a host OS file- or directory- name, or to alter the DOS/NFA base of a device. Open Source and free to use. Use at own risk! Limitations: ------------ This utility currently appears to work under QPC2, and SMSQmulator running on a Windows or Linux host. Due to the evolution of these platforms DOX may not work properly on older versions. Further details in the manual, DOX_txt. DOX is still in beta as Ive rarely, if ever, had any feedback these past eight years its been out there: There be bugs! Usage: ------ Unzip to a suitable QL directory under SMSQ/E, eg ram1_ to test. Any subdirectories will be created by unzip. Ensure that a recent QLIB_run (V3.36+) or equivalent is loaded, as well as a recent ptrmen_cde (V4.10+) or equivalent. Note: At least ptrmen must be loaded by job#0 and cannot be removed during the session (ie from boot up to shut down). To test: -------- EX ram1_dos_DOX_obj directly, or better: If you use high a colour mode then LRUN ram1_dos_Harness_bas in a daughter SBASIC or JOB#0. If required the default host OS anchor drive number can be changed from the default, 4. Use Config or Menuconfig to do the job. Ad hoc change can be done via the command line. Feedback, good, bad, or indifferent is recommended! V0.14, pjw, 2020 Feb 06 V0.15, pjw, 2024 May 19 Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per
Generated by QuickHTM, 2024 May 24