Menu Viewer
Simple menu previewer for Easymen-type menus
This is a VERY basic program! It may not work properly (or at all!) for
every menu you throw at it!
Qdos + TK2 and SMSQ/E compatible.
Requires ptrmen(r)_cde and QLib_run pre-loaded to run.
EX <path>MenView_obj; <path>mymenu_men
or better still: attach it to the _men extension via FileInfo2 to use from
your favourite file manager.
DO on the first (as defined in your menu) Loose Item (LI) to move the menu.
If there are no LIs, you could try the standard Wman keystroke CF4.
HIT a LI to toggle its status Select/Unselect.
HIT a sub window; if you hear a BEEP, it is an Application sub Window (AW)
Press L or l for a list of the elements, and their metrics, that make up
the menu. This will be printed to a file with the same name as the menu,
with the the _men extension replaced with the _lst extension.
NB: The <menu>_lst file overwrites any previous file with the same name!
NB: This feature requires that the Resident version of ptrmen, ptrmenr_cde
is loaded, otherwise you will be met with a rude noise instead.
DO on a selected LI - or DO anywhere in an AW to quit, or
Press ESC to quit.
Some menus will cause problems and you'll have to RJOB MenView
Software status:
V0.01, pjw, 2004 Feb 04
V0.02, pjw, 2019 Nov 12
V0.03, pjw, 2020 Nov 19, added list printout (inspired by BSJR/W Uhlig's
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QL Software