QWIRC2 ====== QL Winchester Information and Rename Console Qwirc is designed to help managing your WIN drives. You can get a quick overview of which drives are available and how the space on them is used. You can also change their internal names, and easily swap QXL files in and out of WIN slots. For QPC2 V5.xx, SMSQmulator V3.01+ (Earlier versions work but may cause problems in certain circumstances. See the Manual!) Also, as an afterthought, Q68, with slightly reduced functionality (no DOX). Make sure you have recent versions of Qlib_run and EasyPtr's ptrmen_cde loaded. Unzip the archive to a suitable location, eg win1_util_. Unzip wil create a new sub directory under that location called win1_util_qwc_ Start the program by EXecuting ..qwc_Qwirc_obj. What you should then see is the Main Menu, listing all the WIN drives currently active. Press a number between 1 and 8, or HIT the name of the desired drive. This brings you to the Info Menu where you can see some further stats on the drive and see the file name of the underlying QXL file. DO or press ENTER on the file name line in the Info Menu to edit it to the name of a different QXL file. Once a name has been entered it is stored in the MRU list so on the next occasion the same name can be re-entered with just a few clicks. HITing the file name in the Info Menu brings up the MRU list. Initially it is populated with the names of files currently attached. As more names are added the list grows, with the least frequently used items gravitating towards the bottom of the list and eventually dropping off. You can now also press F3 to call up the DOX file selector. Clicking the $ (in mode 0) or the coloured bar item (top left hand corner) brings up the Stats Menu, which gives a numerical and graphical display of the disk's usage. DO its Title Bar or press ESC to exit the Stats Menu. Press ESC or DO the Title Bar to exit the Info Menu. In the Main Menu, DOing a device name allows you to edit the name, (provided there is an underlying disk and no other files are open on it). A name can be up to 20 characters long. However, only more recent versions of SMSQ/E (V3.36+) can display this. Older programs and SMSQ/E versions will only display the first 10 characters - in some cases only up to the first space in the name. If you decide to add Qwirc to a Hotkey or wish to add it to your Qascade menu (and with some older file managers) you will need to configure its Home Directory, ie the name of the directory from which Qwirc is executed. You do this with the standard Qjump Config program or JMS'es MenuConfig. All other configurations are done in Qwirc's own configuration file, qwirc_cfg. See the Qwirc Manual for details if needed. To exit Qwirc in the Main Menu press ESC or click the eXit button (top right hand corner). Let me know how you get on! Im on QL Forum as pjw. V2.01, pjw, 2024 Sep 19 Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per Knoware.no
Generated by QuickHTM, 2024 Sep 19