
12 ch = FOPEN("con_")
14 xs% = SCR_XLIM(#ch): ys% = SCR_YLIM(#ch)
16 WINDOW#ch; xs%, ys%, 0, 0
18 CLS#ch
20 dt = DATE
22 xs% = xs% / 2: ys% = ys% / 2
24 FOR s% = 1 TO 250
26  Circ#ch; xs%, ys%, s%, 1, RND(0 TO 7), 0
28 END FOR s%
30 PRINT#ch; DATE - dt; 's'
36 :
38 :
100 rem + ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
102 rem |<                                 Circle                                 >|
104 rem + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +
106 rem |           Draw filled or empty ellipse using pixel coordinates           |
108 rem |                                                                          |
110 rem |    ch%    = channel number                                               |
112 rem |    x%, y% = centre coordinates                                           |
114 rem |    r%     = radius                                                       |
116 rem |    s      = "squash". Round QPC2 etc: 1, QL etc: 0.75                    |
118 rem |    c      = colour                                                       |
120 rem |    f      = fill; 1 => fill, 0 => empty                                  |
122 rem + ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
124 rem | V0.00, pjw, Apr 1996, using graphics scale                               |
126 rem | V0.01, pjw, Apr 1996, SINus table                                        |
128 rem | V0.02, pjw, Jun 1999, for ASCII art                                      |
130 rem | V0.04, pjw, Jun 2003, Screen coordinates (BLOCK)                         |
132 rem | V0.05, pjw, Oct 2006, as above, speedup                                  |
134 rem | V0.06, pjw, Jan 2018, optimised density, added squash                    |
136 rem | V0.06, pjw, 2022 Nov 13, Tidied and added header                         |
138 rem + ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +
140 :
142 DEFine PROCedure Circ(ch%, x%, y%, r%, s, c, f)
144 LOCal i, tx%, ty%, n%
146 n% = 1
148 BLOCK#ch%; n%, n%, x%, y%, c
150 IF f THEN
152  FOR i = 0 TO PI / 2 STEP 5 / (2 * PI * r%)
154   tx% = COS(i) * r%: ty% = SIN(i) * r% * s
156   BLOCK#ch%; tx% + tx%, n%, x% - tx%, y% + ty%, c
158   BLOCK#ch%; tx% + tx%, n%, x% - tx%, y% - ty%, c
160  END FOR i
162 ELSE
164  FOR i = 0 TO PI / 2 STEP 16 / (2 * PI * r%)
166   tx% = COS(i) * r%: ty% = SIN(i) * r% * s
168   BLOCK#ch%; n%, n%, x% + tx%, y% + ty%, c
170   BLOCK#ch%; n%, n%, x% - tx%, y% + ty%, c
172   BLOCK#ch%; n%, n%, x% - tx%, y% - ty%, c
174   BLOCK#ch%; n%, n%, x% + tx%, y% - ty%, c
176  END FOR i
178 END IF
180 END DEFine
182 :

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©pjwitte 2oo1 - 2o22