Cut these routines from the web page and paste them into your favourite QL editor..
Name | Vers | Description | Remarks |
Sprites and other PE Objects | |||
txt2spr | 0.02 | Convert menu item text to sprite. Useful for drag'n drop? | This version GD2 only! |
enRLE | 0.02 | Sprite compression. | Routine to do standard SMSQ/E sprite compressions. Here with a harness to compress some solid GD2 sprites. |
Bounce | 0.01 | Jumping ball demo. | Simple, ready-to-run routine demos moving a semi-transparent sprite. Basis for a games routine? GD2 only! |
BlbCol | 0.01 | Colour blobs | Simply give a blob any RGB colour. Find out more about blobs, etc.. GD2 only! |
Pic2Spr | 0.06 | Convert PICs to SPRites | Convert PICs of any QL or GD2 mode to SPRites of the same mode. RLE-compressed if wanted. |
Pic2Pac | 0.02 | Convert PICs to PACs | Compress PICs of any QL-native mode to - typically, for screen shots etc - 10%-30% of the original size. |
Pac2Pic | 0.01 | Convert PACs to PICs | Decompress PACs back to standard PICs. |
MkBlk | 0.02 | Create sprites on the fly | Generate ad hoc compressed, rectangular GD2 sprites of any colour, including Wman colours. Note: Renamed MkSpr.. to MkBlk..! |
Spr2RLE | 0.02 | Compress simple, single GD2 sprites | Save space by compressing your GD2 sprites. |
Programming Aids | |||
CDBdefs | 0.00 | Channel Definition Block functions | Requires Channel toolkit. Cut out the ones you need and paste them into your program. |
ScrollED | 08WB | Scrollable line editor for inclusion in S*Basic programs | GD2-compatible version. (The idea was to write this in assembler, but I never got round to it.) Download code here. |
DeHex | 0.01 | Remove hex and binary literals from SBASIC programs. | SBASIC only. |
PokeDatW | 0.01 | An aid to add binary data to your SBASIC programs without DATA statements. | Output for SBASIC and MBASIC (Minerva) only (even when compiled!) as Qdos doesnt do multiple pokes in one go. |
Files, Directories, and Directory Devices | |||
DevGet | 0.06 | Given a device's USE name, return its real name (and vice versa) | SMSQ/E & Qlib. Probably not relevant for Qdos. |
DelDir | 0.01 | Demo and tutorial: Traversing a directory tree (bottom up) | Commented S*Basic code to scan and DELETE a directory tree. (Nowadays Id do it differently ;o) |
HDRen | 0.05 | Give your QXL.WIN-type hard disk a sensible name! | For QPC, QXL and other systems that use the QLWA container HD |
DirSize | 0.01 | Get the file count and size of a directory tree. | Qmenu + SMSQ/E, or Qdos with DDL2 + tk2 + PE. |
QLone | 0.02 | Clone a complete device or directory tree. | SMSQ/E / Qdos with DDL2 + tk2. |
NextFile | 0.11 | Get filenames from a directory one at a time as needed. | SMSQ/E / Qdos with DDL2 + tk2. |
NextFileDir | 0.05 | Get filenames from a directory one at a time as needed while traversing the whole directory tree. | SMSQ/E / Qdos with DDL2 + tk2. Also needs TK NUMI2S or similar |
NextDosFile | 0.03 | Get a DOS directory tree as a stream of filenames. | QPC2 (V5+) and SMSQmulator (V2.3+) only. (Earlier versions might not work!) |
FilesOpen | 0.02 | Find out how many open files there are on a device, - eg before dismounting it. | SMSQ/E and SBASIC only, as it stands. |
DirUp/DirDn | 0.05 | Functions to move up or down a directory level. | SMSQ/E or Qdos with TK2 with DDL2. |
ParseFnm | 0.01 | Routine to split a filename into its components. Rewritten from scratch! | S*BASIC for all systems with DDL2. |
Sorting and Searching | |||
Unique | 0.01 | Search and create a list of unique items. | S*BASIC for all systems. The example here uses my CMP% function, but it can be modified to do without. |
UniqueIndOfs | 0.02 | Search and create a list of unique items stored in a heap. | S*BASIC for all systems. The example here uses various toolkit commands, but it can be modified to do without. |
Mem-QS-BS | 0.03 | Sort and search strings in memory. | S*BASIC for all systems. The example here uses my POKESTR$, PEEKSTR$, and CMP% functions, but it could be modified to do without. |
HeapUniqueX | 0.01 | Create a list of unique items in a stretchable heap. | SBASIC (SuperBASIC+TK2 with modifications). Various toolkit commands required. Single entry point "Black Box" solution. |
Experimental | |||
SB Slave | 0.02 | Demo of how SBASIC can be used as a slave by another program | Could be used in a QL browser? |
Drawing | |||
Circle | 0.06 | Draw a circle or ellipse using pixel coordinates. | Draw outlined or filled circles. S*BASIC (except harness). |
Line | 0.01 | Draw a straight line using only integer math and using pixel coordinates. | This algorithm is ideal for an assembler implementation.. |
Miscellaneous | |||
Calendar | 0.12 | Template script to produce basic calendars | View readme and sample output here |
Kbdbtn | 0.00 | Button to change keyboard languages | PE + Qmenu. |
Magnify | 0.01 | Simple screen magnifyer | PE + GD2 only! Requires ptrmen_cde and my Rpix toolkit. Get the compiled version here. |
BlockFount | 0.03 | Write characters in large sizes | All platforms. Demo requires my Chans toolkit. |
Wrap | 0.06 | Wrap text, ie break lines at space | Wrap and split lines, eg for popup help texts, etc. |
FloodFill | 0.02 | FloodFill an area or shape | Fill an area or enclosed shape with a single colour, a texture or an image. GD2 only although routines can be adapted for standard QL modes. |
We should avoid duplication of effort, because that is being done by others
- Athur Mitchell (British industrialist)