This is part of a collection of (mainly) single keyword toolkits. One of the differences between these toolkits and most of the myriads of similar toolkits out there, is that their format is designed to make them relatively easy to combine to create bespoke toolkits for any particular purpose. Here's how.
If you want to (re)assemble these toolkits yourself, youll need the Library files (see below).
An ordered index of all the keywords in all the toolkits can be found here.
Name | Vers | Description | Remarks |
General/Programming | |||
Library files | 0.06 | NEW! Library files required to assemble these toolkits yourself. | Info and previous versions.. |
Timer | 0.09 | Asynchronous timer utility with "LED" display for S*Basic programs | More.. |
FINDNAME% | 0.07 | Test for the existence of an S*Basic function or procedure. Note: Change of default behaviour from V6! | More.. (For details of a simple S*BASIC version see here..) |
ERRM$ | 0.04 | Function to return an error message as a string. | All systems. More.. |
EDLINE% | 0.04 | Function to edit an input string. | All systems. More.. |
PROMPT | 0.01 | Save time and space with this classic! | All systems. More.. |
TRIX% | 0.01 | A switch to flag whether a bespoke toolkit is loaded. | SMSQ/E only. More.. |
GETDATE | 0.01 | A procedure to split a date into its numeric components. | All systems. More.. |
COMP% | 0.01 | Compare two values of any type. | All systems. More.. |
COMPM% | 0.01 | Compare two values of any type at memory address. | SBASIC (ie SMSQ/E) or compiled (all systems). More.. |
Pointer Environment | |||
Button | 0.05 | S*Basic toolkit to use the Button Frame; with examples of use. | SMSQ/E, or Qdos + PE. More.. |
WSPT | 0.03 | Simple command to draw a PI sprite. | More.. |
RPT% | 0.03 | The RPT command is required to read the pointer. | SMSQ/E or QDOS + PI. More.. |
Wosz | 0.03 | Get a window's size, origen and outline. | SMSQ/E or QDOS + PI. More.. |
SCRXY | 0.03 | Get the display size, without the use of a channel. | SMSQ/E and QDOS. PI desirable More.. |
JobWin | 0.01 | Selection of tools to get information on the job under the pointer. | SMSQ/E and Qdos + PI. More.. |
SYSSPR | 0.04 | Selection of tools to get/set (system) sprite information. | SMSQ/E and Qdos + PE. (Renamed from SPRA) More.. |
SGPT | 0.03 | Use the SPT command so set, and GPT to get the pointer position. | SMSQ/E or QDOS + PI. More.. |
PickJob% | 0.01 | Pick a job to the top of the pile. | SMSQ/E or QDOS + PI. More.. |
Graphics | |||
CV2NAT | 0.02 | Convert graphics data from any GD2 mode to the current GD2 display mode. | More.. |
Rpix | 0.04 | RPIX% and RPIX24 - read a pixel off screen or window in Native or RGB mode. | GD2 modes only. More.. |
WPIX | 0.03 | WPIX - write a pixel in a window using a given NATIVE colour. | GD2 modes only. More.. |
PCBO% | 0.02 | PC Byte Order. Swap bytes in a word from big-endian to little-endian (and vice versa). | SMSQ/E & compiled only. More.. |
MBLK | 0.01 | Move a block of graphics memory. | SMSQ/E (and possibly QDOS+PE V2+). More.. |
DERLE | 1.00 | DERLE - De-RLE. Uncompress GD2 sprite data. | More.. |
RLE | 0.03 | ENRLE and DERLE. Compress or decompress graphics data for sprites and PICs. | All systems. More.. |
Jobs | |||
QLIBJN | 0.04 | Alter name of compiled jobs on the fly. Now with up to 48 characters! (See section NEW.) | More.. |
SUSJB | 0.02 | SUSJB. Compatibility commands for Qdos/Minerva and SMSQ/E < V3.34. | More.. |
OWNJOB | 0.01 | Take ownership of a job. Qdos/Minerva and SMSQ/E | More.. |
JB_FIND | 0.01 | Find whether a job is running in the system or not. SMSQ/E and compiled only | More.. |
Things | |||
THGutil | 0.01 | Thing commands to find and remove Thing, using SMSQ/E libraries.. | SMSQ/E More.. |
Channels and Files | |||
Chans | 0.03 | Channel peek toolkit for Qdos and SMSQ/E | Sources included. All systems. Examples.. |
IOB Tools | 0.05 | Four S*BASIC commands wrapping the traps. | More.. |
IOB2MEM | 0.01 | Similar to the above, but loads files into a buffer rather than a string. | More.. |
MDinfo | 0.10 | Advanced MeDia Information toolkit. DDL1 and DDL2 | Qdos, SMSQ/E, compilable. More.. |
GETCOL% | 0.03 | Get the paper, strip or ink colour of a scr/con channel. | All systems. More.. |
FDEL | 0.02 | DELETE as a function. Ie FDEL returns an error code rather than bombing out! | Qdos/Minerva, SMSQ/E < V3.35. More.. |
LSBYTES | 0.03 | LBYTES/SBYTES from/to a #channel rather than a file. | Qdos/Minerva, SMSQ/E More.. |
LSBEXE | 0.01 | LBYTES_exe/SBYTES_exe loading/saving as a filter. | Qdos/Minerva, SMSQ/E More.. |
PRTSTR% | 0.03 | PRINT etc with timeout: Continue processing while window locked. | Qdos/Minerva (SMSQ) More.. |
CHSWAP | 0.02 | Swaps two S*BASIC channels | All systems. More.. |
Numbers, Math and Miscellaneous | |||
LDIV/LMOD | 0.01 | LDIV and LMOD are 32 bit versions of DIV and MOD. | More.. |
HASH | 0.01 | Convert a string to a 32bit hash value. | SMSQ/E or compiled only! More.. |
NumI2S | 0.03 | Convert numbers into their internal representation as strings and vice versa. | More.. |
LIN2STR$ | 0.04 | Converts a long integer to (readable) string. | More.. |
FLT2HEX$ | 0.02 | Converts a float to a 12-digit hex string. | More.. |
Even | 0.05 | ODD - returns TRUE if long integer is odd. EVEN rounds an int/long UP to nearest even integer. | More.. |
VALID% | 0.03 | Validate a variable or input. | Article or Readme.. |
LCMP | 0.02 | Compare two unsigned long word integers. Eg for datestamp comparisons. | More.. |
II2MM | 0.01 | Convert unsigned word or long from Big-endian to Little-endian or vice versa. | More.. |
LOGOPS | 0.02 | Logical operations on byte, word or long word. | Compatible with all QL systems. More.. |
BITS | 0.02 | Single-bit bitwise tests and operations. | Compatible with all QL systems. More.. |
ROMAN$ | 0.02 | Convert Arabic numerals to Roman | Compatible with all QL systems. More.. |
Arrays and Data | |||
MATTool | 0.10 | Array (MATrix) manipulation Toolkit. Sort, search, fill, equate, etc.. | All systems. More.. |
VLS | 0.04 | Load or save a list of scalar and array variables to disk and selectively load them back. | All systems. More.. |
LDATA | 0.01 | Function to load a data file into memory, returning its address. Remove with RECHP. | Qdos/Minerva + TK2, or SMSQ/E. More.. |
Strings and Text | |||
CMP% | 0.01 | Simple assembler and S*Basic tools to compare strings. | More.. |
STUFF | 0.02 | Command to stuff strings and codes into a consol's keyboard queue. | More.. |
JUST$ | 0.03 | JUSTify text in a field. | More.. |
Str1TK | 0.03 | STRing ToolKit I: DETAB$, REVERSE$, UPPER$, LOWER$ | More.. |
Str2TK | 0.04 | STRing ToolKit II: REMOVE$, EXTRACT$ - Takes the fiddle out of string slicing! | More.. |
Str3TK | 0.04 | STRing ToolKit III: INSTR%, QINSTR%, ALTSTR% - Aid to searching and parsing strings | More.. |
StrTK | 0.05 | STRing ToolKit Complete: Contains all three toolkits above and then some | More.. |
DETAB$ | 0.05 | Freestanding DETAB$ command | More.. |
WILD% | 0.03 | String search with WILDcards | More.. |
Wirx | 0.24 | Advanced string search with WILDcards | More.. |
TXCD | 0.03 | String parsing: CoDe to TeXt and TeXt to CoDe. | More.. |
PePoStr | 0.03 | S*Basic commands PEEKSTR$ and POKESTR$ to get/put strings in memory. | More.. |
Choice | 0.02 | Two S*Basic commands to aid in SELecting items. | More.. |
IMPARSE | 0.02 | Take the fiddle out of parsing (PSION) export strings! | More.. |
CSTR$ | 0.02 | Extract from memory and convert C-strings to Q-strings. | More.. |
NSTR$ | 0.01 | Extract from memory and convert N-strings to Q-strings. | More.. |
Compatibility Toolkits | |||
Dates | 0.02 | SMSQ/E date compatibility toolkit for Qdos and Minerva | Sources, instructions and More.. |
Q2S | 0.06 | Qdos to SMSQ/E. All-in-One compatibility toolkit for Qdos (including the four below). | With and without SCR_xxxx. More.. |
OUTLN | 1.00 | The OUTLN command is required to use certain PI programs. | QDOS + PI. More.. |
SUSJB | 0.02 | SUSJB. Compatibility commands for Qdos/Minerva and SMSQ/E < V3.34. | More.. |
FDEL | 0.02 | DELETE as a function. Ie FDEL returns an error code rather than bombing out! | Qdos/Minerva, SMSQ/E < V3.35. More.. |
SCR | 0.02 | A suit of display-related commands to get screen size, mode, etc. | Qdos/Minerva, with or without PE. More.. |
PEEK & POKE | 0.01 | A suit of PEEK and POKE commands with extended addressing, etc. | For Qdos/Minerva. More.. |
CLOCK | - | TK2's CLOCK command/program for an asynchronous time display in a SuperBASIC channel. | For Qdos/Minerva without TK2 or with TK2 V2.30+. More.. |
A man without tools is just a monkey.
- pjw