
A selection of pointer driven programs, utilites and programming aids

Most of my PE programs require a toolkit called ptrmen_cde from the EasyPtr suit of programs.

Name Vers Description Remarks
WMdefs 0.00 System palette definitions for inclusion in your programs Use with WM_PAPER, WM_INK, etc.. WM2 only! More..
WWdefs 0.00 Window Working Definitions for inclusion in your programs Useful keys for patching your Working Definitions in S*BASIC programs. More..
Pop 0.02 Add popup/hinting within your PE programs with this little utility. Implementation details and other weighty matters at "Take a Hint!"
Pox 0.04 This extends the utility above to display larger-than-job-window hinting See article Poxology for the HowTo and an illustration.
Msprv 0.07 Msprv/Sprv Sprite viewer programs. Supports most colour modes. Complete with source code in Basic and assembler. Illustration of Msprv
Msprv2 0.21 Msprv/Sprv Sprite viewer programs. Much updated! SMSQ/E only. Blurb. Illustration of Msprv.
MenView 0.03 A simple Easymen-type menu viewer View the MenView Readme..
Themes 0.05 Scripts, examples, and instructions on how to use Themes in SMSQE/Wman2. View the readme
While many writers have produced very successful menu and pointer-driven programs, there have so far been no agreed standards, resulting in users having to learn a new interface for each program, and each programmer having to re-invent the wheel to implement his own menu and/or pointer system. With the advent of the QJUMP Pointer Environment, all this is in the past. The programmer is relieved of the burden of writing the whole of the user interface, often 90% of the programming effort, and can concentrate on providing a good range of facilities. Users end up with a program which they know how to drive even before they open the box.
- Tony Tebby, QJUMP