
A selection of games and light-hearted utilities

A note on these games

Name Vers Description Remarks
LastMatch 1.00 Is the QL smarter than you? My very first PE game! QL JS+ with PE, or SMSQ/E. Source code included. More..
D-Miner 0.22 A Minesweeper type game (320+Kb!). Requires SMSQ/E 3.0x or better, with GD2 (colour drivers) and QMenu by JMS. Sampled sound system optional. Hard disk recommended. Preview..
Cabal   A Patience card game. GD2 only! Game 35% complete. Preview..
QOMBI 0.99 A (rather different) solitaire card-like game. High-end GD2 systems only! More.. HTML version of the manual.
QOMBI src 0.99 These are the bulk of the source files for QOMBI V0.99. SMSQ/E and GD2 systems only! More..
QLTet 0.01 A Tetris-like game for the QL. Qdos and SMSQ/E. Source code included. More..
WQRDLI 0.04 A solo word puzzle game. All systems (except, perhaps, a BBQL). More.. (Check update warnings in readme before updating!)
--- 0.01 WQRDLI word lists Utilities and language word lists More..
Black Jack 0.05 A boring and not particularly pretty game of Black Jack. High colour SMSQ/E only. Needs ptrmen_cde. See Readme..
Screen Savers
Block 0.01 Stand-alone screensaver, or use with Cuedark. Supplied as compilable source Sliding blocks. GD2-compatible
Ssave 0.02 A collection of screen savers, including the ubiquitous Starfield Simulation GD2 only: Rotating disks, startdust, starfield, exchange squares. More..
MatriQx 0.01 Yet another useless screen saver. SMSQ/E GD2 only. More..
Mondrian 1.2 Mondrian simulator. Can be used as a screensaver under CueDark By Cristian; modified by me: Modes 8..33, all screen sizes and systems. Obj and source code. Preview..
Snowfall 0.2 Yet another silly screen saver Best on QPC2 in full screen. Compiled code works with QL, but too slow to be of any use! More..
Mandalas 0.2 Produce pretty mandalas. Could be used as a screensaver under CueDark By Steve Pool; modified by me. This version high colour only, all screen sizes.
Squares 0.02 Cover your screen with soothing, colourful squares. Could be used as a screensaver under CueDark High colour only.

Surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us
- Calvin and Hobbes