QOMBI Sources ============= Here is much of the material that went into creating QOMBI. Simply unzip the archive QOMBI99s.zip into the same containing folder used to store the game proper. Only one file overlaps: History_txt, and that is identical to the one supplied with the game. The source files for the toolkits included may be found at knoware.no. For best results, keep them in the same folder structure as you find them there! Some references in the assembler file are to dev8_. These all belong to the SMSQ/E sources. Again, best keep the relevant files from there in the same folder structures as you find them. It is possible to tinker with the main QOMBI SBASIC files without changing or reassembling the toolkits, so don't be put off if assembler is not your thing! Not all of QOMBI is included here, though! Many different programs, both QL, Windows and Linux went into creating various parts of the program. The resulting production files are spread around my systems, and some of them are rather large by QL standards. Besides, I don't think my "artwork" is QOMBI's strongest point! I hope that one day someone might feel tempted to recreate those components, and so I have left them out. The sprite texts were created in M$ Word, using the Ravi font. Screen grabs were then made and converted to PNGs, which were manipulated with GIMP and converted to sprites with MK's PNGconv or WL's Sprites. The resulting assembler files were cobbled together by me and assembled into dynamic or complex sprites and linked into the toolkit. For how to change the cards, symbols etc, see the chapters on the topic in the QOMBI manual. Software status --------------- While you don't need my approval to make changes, you will need my approval (if Im still around!) to publish any such updated program and call it QOMBI! It would also be appreciated if any derivative work contained acknowledgement of those who inspired it, even more so if they actually wrote it! Thanks in advance! V0s99, pjw, 2025 Feb 06 Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per Knoware.no
Generated by QuickHTM, 2025 Feb 06