
File- and disk-related utility programs, scripts, etc

Some remarks about these utilties.

Most of my PE programs require a toolkit called ptrmen_cde from the EasyPtr suit of programs.

Name Vers Description Remarks
FastFind B.95 Search for files by name, extension, date and contents using wildcards PE, HDD. Still in the experimental stages. More..
QWIRC 2.01 Manage multiple "QXL.WIN" drives from this handy little console. PE. Mainly QPC2 and SMSQmulator but may be of use on other SMSQ/E systems. Illustration.. or view ReadMe..
QLWARZ 0.02 A hack to "stretch", "shrink" or merely "refresh" a QXL.WIN hard disk. QPC2 only! (but adaptable) More..
(But see this note on medium name length limits)
DOX 0.15 Browse a DOS or NFA folder to select a file or directory for use in another program. PE. QPC2/SMSQmulator only. Illustration.. or view ReadMe
FSEL 0.12 Qmenu's FILE_SELECT$ used as an external program. Use full sized file selection even for programs with smaller windows. Qdos, Minerva, SMSQ/E. More...
FSEL-X 0.01 Uses FSEL, above, to launch a program or data file via FileInfo2. This one for SMSQ/E only. More..
FastFind II 0.01 NEW! Search for files by name, extension, date and contents using wildcards PE, HDD. Still in development. More..

I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks.
- Daniel Boone