Name | Vers | Description | Remarks |
FastFind | B.95 | Search for files by name, extension, date and contents using wildcards | PE, HDD. Still in the experimental stages. More.. |
QWIRC | 2.01 | Manage multiple "QXL.WIN" drives from this handy little console. | PE. Mainly QPC2 and SMSQmulator but may be of use on other SMSQ/E systems. Illustration.. or view ReadMe.. |
QLWARZ | 0.02 | A hack to "stretch", "shrink" or merely "refresh" a QXL.WIN hard disk. | QPC2 only! (but adaptable) More.. (But see this note on medium name length limits) |
DOX | 0.15 | Browse a DOS or NFA folder to select a file or directory for use in another program. | PE. QPC2/SMSQmulator only. Illustration.. or view ReadMe |
FSEL | 0.12 | Qmenu's FILE_SELECT$ used as an external program. Use full sized file selection even for programs with smaller windows. | Qdos, Minerva, SMSQ/E. More... |
FSEL-X | 0.01 | Uses FSEL, above, to launch a program or data file via FileInfo2. | This one for SMSQ/E only. More.. |
FastFind II | 0.01 | NEW! Search for files by name, extension, date and contents using wildcards | PE, HDD. Still in development. More.. |
I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks.
- Daniel Boone