Please note: Im not responsible for the security and policies of external sites!
Please let me hear from you if you find errors in any programs, in any information I provide, or on this web
site (eg broken or defunct links, etc)! This helps you, your fellow QLers, and me to improve!
Of course not every program here works everywhere, so you do need to check out the clues: In the
Remarks field, in the Readme, and if all else fails, any manual that comes with the program. (Id rather
not respond to questions like Why doesnt this [350Kb] PE program work on my [128Kb] BBQL?
because that means
you dont really care, in which case neither do I.)
I also dont mind if you send me positive feedback! At present I dont have a feedback facility on
Knoware (there will probably be one, eventually). You can email me at the address given below (simply click the
email link at the bottom of the page), PM me (pjw) on the QL Forum
or have your say under the Knoware topic
on QL Forum.
Here is a list of links to a few core sites that provide systems or toolkits used by my programs:
- QPC2 - SMSQ/E capable QL emulator for Windows, Wine, Mac - and DOS, with QPC1.
- SMSQmulator - SMSQ/E capable QL emulator for Windows, Linux, Cray, etc
- Q-emuLator - a versatile QL emulator for Windows & OSX. SMSQ/E, all Qdos ROMs..
- You can also get spanking new QL-compatible hardware! Contact Derek via this link.
Essential Software
- PE and TK2 Pointer Environment and Toolkit 2 for Qdos/Minerva systems.
- SMSQ/E. The official site for SMSQ/E sources and binaries.
- EasyPtr, QMenu, QPAC, QMake, QD and much more.
- QPTR, Basic Linker, and much more (including some excellent games!).
- Q-Liberator, the S*BASIC compiler, or if you prefer: Turbo, another.
- Home Thing, tells programs where they were EXECuted or LRUN from.
- FileInfo2 V3x50, lets data files be EXECuted, opened by the relevant program.
- QCoCo, SQRView and more, BSJR QL Home.
- For everything else, including the kitchen sink, try the Dilwyn Jones' Sinclair QL Pages.
Info &c
Please note: Im not responsible for the security and policies of external sites!
QL Software