- 2025/02/10 Updates
- Updated MDINFO. MDFREE and MDGOOD should now work with large host filesystem disks.
- Ive also sneakily tweaked QOMBI and Msprv(2), but without giving them new version numbers!
- 2025/01/31 Updates
- Thanks to incoming feedback Ive fixed and tweaked a few items:
- A few glitches fixed in QOMBI. However, it still languishes in V0.99.
- Squashed a few bugs in Msprv. It now also works without QMenu instead of ignominiously crashing.
- 2025/01/10 Updates, additions, tweaks, etc
- Updated Library files. Download this if you intend to reassemble any of my toolkits.
- Updated Keywords, a utlity to list S*BASIC keywords found in binary files of many kinds.
- Added sb2obj. Add line numbers (if needed), tokenize and compile an SBASIC program at the touch of a button.
- Tidied Chans toolkit and documentation. Still V0.03, though.
- Added updated version of Msprv and Sprv, to display PE sprites and their information.
- Added Spr2Asm, a sprite disassembler. Turns "any" sprite binary into assembler code.
- Updated text and added examples to OWNJOB: Take ownership of a job.
- Some clarifications and tweaks made to explanatory texts in MkSpr (renamed MkBlk!) and BlbCol based on better information.
- Updated QOMBI to V0.99. Some bug fixes and two new features.
- Added QOMBI sources. Needs the full version (above) to run!
- Added Spr2RLE. Compress GD2 sprites. SBASIC Source code and executable utility.
- Updated FINDNAME. More logical default behaviour?
- Added Black Jack - a pretty boring game, but well, its there so I thought I might as well..
- Upgraded QWIRC, the WIN container file manager. New features, bug fixes, usable on more platforms.
- Updated DOX the host file system browser. Should work on platforms running on Linux hosts too.
- Updated Mag to work in QL mode 0 too. In QL mode Qptr toolkit must be loaded for the RPIXL command.
- Added two new screen savers: Mandalas and Squares
- Updated article Find the Key to make the general routine (Listing 3) more robust
- Minor tweak to QuickHTM. Sample header and footer now compliant. No new version number, though.
- Added DocWrap, a simple utility to wrap lines in documents without line breaks.
- Updated StuffScrap. Slight tweak to allow for longer input lines.
- Added CHSWAP, swap two S*BASIC channels.
- Updated Q2S. Added PAUSE with optional channel parameter. For Qdos JS+.
- Updated WQRDLI to V0.04: Fixed small bug in elimination display.
- Added ROMAN$, a function to convert Arabic numerals to Roman.
- Added SBBox, a utility to add info boxes to S*BASIC program code.
- Added a fast line drawing routine using pixel coordinates (S*BASIC).
- Added two toolkits for variable comparison COMP% and COMPM%
- Updated SGPT to V0.03: Deliberately doesnt error on out of range.
- Added two toolkits for bit-manipulation LOGOPS and BITS
- Added GETDATE: Split a date in seconds into its components: YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mn, ss, WD.
- New, rewritten, version of ParseFnm. Cleaner. Leaner. Meaner!
- Clarified a few things with FileInfo II tools. No new version number, though.
- Added IOB2MEM: Load part of a file into a buffer.
- Added NSTR$: Get Name-type string (1 byte length) from memory. Compare such strings (NSTRCMP% included)
- Added CSTR$: Get a null-terminated (C-type) string from memory. Compare such strings (CSTRCMP% included)
- Added JB_FIND Find whether a given job is running.
- De-muddled EVEN. (ODD wasnt included in link file.)
- Further update to documentation for LSBYTES. No new version number, though.
- 2023/01/10 Offline...
- 2022/11/16 Some tweaks to previous installment
- Corrected "Not Found" error in one of the FloodFill routines.
- Added some information on fixing shapes appearing squashed. (In case youre having problems with FloodFill etc.)
- Added a fast circle drawing routine using pixel coordinates.
- 2022/11/09 Additions, Updates, Corrections and clarifications
- Added various FloodFill routines. Use colour, textures or images to fill a shape.
- Added TRIX% - a meta command to check for the presence of a toolkit.
- Added some information on Mode 32 as the topic is largely undocumented (in one place) and can be confusing..
- Updated MkSprite. Clearer and more consistent?
- Updated WPIX. Removed redundant code.
- A few undocumented corrections to spelling and formulations.
- 2022/10/14 Additions, Updates, Fixes and Tweaks
- Added another compatibility toolkit: CLOCK - as found in TK2 prior to V2.30, for Qdos/Minerva.
- Added two more button utilities - a free memory button and a time piece.
- Updated the Calendar_bas script to cater for calendars up to 2096.
- 2022/08/14 Additions, Updates, Fixes and Tweaks
- Added two other obscure commands: II2MM - to convert short and long integers between Big- and Little-endianess.
- Updated WQRDLI to V0.03. Added character elimination display. Other updates and tweaks. View ReadMe before updating!
- Updated information on PEEK & POKE - Having trouble with these? Or trouble compiling with Turbo recently?.
- 2022/07/05 Additions, Updates, Fixes and Tweaks
- Added yet another variant of Unique: HeapUniqueX: Add unique strings, alphabetically, to an expandable heap.
- Added FileInfo2 tools - various scripts to manage FI2 databases and act on FI2 calls.
- Updated Caps, Capslock indicator button. Now configurable from commandline including optional sound.
- Updated VLS. Variables Load & Save. Bug fixes and clearer manual and examples. If you use this please update!
- Tweaked NextDosFile - folder names now terminate on a seperator.
- Fixed bug in Mem-QS-BS introduced in previous tweak.
- Renamed UniqueInd to its original name: UniqueIndOfs (Unique Indirect using Offsets).
- Some tidying, clarifications, minor tweaks, and site maintenance. Too many to detail!
- 2022/06/01 Additions, Updates and Changes
- New landing page! Let me know who made the illustration and Ill credit them.
- Added NextDosFile - to scan a DOS directory tree as a stream of file and folder names.
- Fixed a wee bug in the NextFileDir harness which caused the demo not to work. Try it again, please!
- Updated Q2S. Now with or without SCR_xxxx commands, eg for sQLux which has them built in.
- Updated Snip. Bug fixes, FSEL as Thing, improved manual.
- Tweaked ParseFnm in an attempt to make things clearer!
- Tweaked PickQD. FSEL Thing name configurable => Config file format changed! Easier-to-read manual.
- Tweaked Mem-QS-BS the memory based sort and search demo, to make clearer and a wee bit more useful.
- Tweaked FSEL manual and boot file. No version change.
- 2022/05/05 Additions, Updates and Changes
- Added PEEK & POKE - an SMSQ/E-compatible suit of PEEKs and POKEs for Qdos/Minerva.
- Added DETAB$ as a freestanding, more compact and faster version of this handy command.
- Updated WQRDLI to V0.02. Now also logs lost games in score file. View ReadMe before updating!
- Removed QOMBI update file. Only the full V0.98 available.
- Site maintenance: Some minor tweaks, corrections and clarifications - too insignificant to detail..
- 2022/04/05 Updates
- Refreshed and hopefully clarified Knoware Terms, Conditions, and Disclaimer.
- Improved FINDNAME%. Now optionally scans local and/or global name table for toolkit command.
- Improved and bug fixed: EDLINE%; edit an input string. Now with pixel positioning. You should update if you used this!
- Updated LastMatch Got rid of line number dependency in source code. Minor bugs fixed. New manual.
- Added German word list for WQRDLI, and info on how to extract suitable worlists from your Linux spell checker!
- 2022/03/02 Some Additions
- Added PROMPT. Display a prompt string and await a valid keypress.
- Added EDLINE%. Edit an input string. Terminate input in four different ways.
- 20222202 Addition
- 2022/02/09 Update and Addition
- Updated WQRDLI with new wordlists. These can be loaded separately:
- Added word lists for WQRDLI. Also a script to extract additional words from QTYP.
- 2022/02/03 Addition
- Added WQRDLI. A solo word puzzle game.
- 2022/01/31 Additions and updates
- Updated Q2S. Fixed bug in ERT.
- Updated Keywords, a utlity to list S*BASIC keywords found in binary files of many kinds.
- Added OWNJOB. Take ownership of a job.
- 2021/12/28 Additions and updates
- Added PRTSTR%, PRINT with timeout, to keep processing even when window is locked.
- Added a note About the origins of Files and other Utility programs, for those not fazed about reading a bit of text.
- Added QuickHTM, a program to convert QL text files to HTML.
- Added FSEL-X, to quickly find and launch a program or data file.
- Updated ParseFnm - a small tweak allows it to accept less than a full file name.
- 2021/12/10 Additions and updates
- Updated and expanded Library: Sources now included. Replace old libraries with this update!
- Updated VLS. Variables Load & Save. Bulk-load assorted array and scalar variables. Now with source code included.
- Added Minimize, a minimize button for QPC2 and SMSQmulator.
- Added Bcc, a tool for dyslecix assembler coders(!)
- Added Caps, Capslock indicator button.
- Added NoTab, a tool for QD to make compressed files temporarily readable.
- Added LCMP, to compare unsigned long words - and some eschatological musings on dates and the end of time..
- Added QLTet, a simple Tetris-like game.
- Added Snowfall, a "screen saver" type program.
- 2021/11/20 Additions, updates, and improvements
- More fun and games with colours and sprites: Added MkBlk to create compressed GD2 sprites on the fly.
- Added back PickQD after a major re-write. This new version is still in beta. Youre the guinea-pig! Let me know how it goes!
- Improved BlbCol, the on-the-fly blob-colouring demo and utility routine.
- Updated Library: Added thg_jump. New library page. No significant change.
- Updated FSEL again to improve handling of default file names and position.
- Updated Q2S, one of the compatibility toolkits. More reliable. Update if you use this!
- Added Scr as a separate toolkit. Should now work in Qdos/Minerva sans PE. (Also included with Q2S, above.)
- Updated MDINFO. MDFREE now returns bytes, not ALUs. If you used this toolkit you may have to alter your software if you "upgrade"!
- Added LSBEXE, some more iffy tools to bridge channels and memory.
- 2021/10/21 Updates and addition
- Added index for all keywords in all toolkits here.
- Updated documentation for StuffScrap. Minor corrections and some additional information.
- Updated and corrected documentation for VALID%. New examples of usage! (Eg test for "unset" variables in SBASIC.)
- Updated documentation for LSBYTES. Thanks to WL for pointing out the error of my ways!
- 2021/10/04 Further Additions and bug fixes
- Added NextFileDir - to scan a directory tree as a stream of file names.
- Fixed: NumI2S: INTEGER$ didnt like negative numbers.
- 2021/10/03 Additions, updates, tweaks, and bug fixes
- Added LSBYTES - to load and save bytes via channels.
- Added IMPARSE - a (PSION) export line parser.
- Updated SCRXY. Now returns 512, 256 if no PI (or equivalent) present.
- Updated Snip with latest FSEL. (Included).
- Tweaked Last Match: Match_bas should again RUN in SuperBASIC
- Fixed: FSEL could crash if wrong sizes were given.
- 2021/07/21 Updates (Minor tweaks and spelling corrections)
- 2021/04/14 Additions and Updates
- Removed buggy string Wrap routine and replaced with new. If you used this please upgrade!
- Corrected misstatement in documentation re MDFREE in MDinfo.
- Updated Pic2Spr. Minor tweaks and clarification.
- 2020/12/16 Updates
- Tried to improve signal to noise ratio in article on graphic formats and extensions.
- Site maintenance: A few more pages now conform to current HTML/CSS standards
- 2020/12/14 Additions and Updates
- Added Snip - a screen snipper.
- Added Pic2Pac, to compress PICs to the new PAC format.
- Added Pac2Pic, to decompress the new format PACs to standard PICs.
- Added Pic2Spr, to convert PICs to compressed or uncomressed solid sprites.
- Added RLE, a toolkit to compress and decompress a block of (graphics) memory.
- Added some information on graphics file name extensions and formats.
- Added MBLK, to move a block of graphics memory. Wrapper for pv_mblk.
- Updated enrle_bas: Bug fix. Update if you used this!
- Updated QV: All you asked for, and then some..
- Updated MenView. Minor changes, eg to list menu elements.
- 2020/09/28 Updates
- Updated and added back QV
- 2020/09/01 Updates
- Updated and augmented SPT to V0.02, now called SGPT
- 2020/06/20 Updates
- Updated QOMBI to V0.98. Mainly bugfixes. Update recommended!
- 2020/06/20 Additions and updates
- Bug fix in ALTSTR%, in Str3TK and StrTK. You should update these toolkits if you use them!
- Updated SPRA toolkit, now renamed to SYSSPR, to augment function and simplify code.
- Updated THREMV - it is now called THGutil. Corrected manual and added THG_FIND.
- Added Choice. Two commands to aid in SELecting items. (Hard to explain. See texts!)
- A few minor corrections (link errors and old mailto addresses)
- 2020/04/20 Additions and updates
- Clarified some info on MDINF V1.07. Version number hasnt changed.
- Updated HDRen to cater for long medium names
- Updated QLIBJN. Now with utility to extend name length allowance!
- Updated Keywords: Increased stack size. I hope this helps..
- Added PickJob to pick a job to the top of the pile.
- Added THREMV to remove a Thing.
- Added SPT to set the pointer position (which RPT% doesnt do).
- Added CMP% to toolkits (was previously mentioned but not included).
- Added all-in string parsing toolkit. StrTK.
- Added a heap variant of the unique string routine, UniqueInd (Unique Indirect), to the GO SUB section
- Updated the Library (that is to say: I removed the cct files, as they caused Not Found errors)
- 2020/02/27 Additions, updates, removals, and bugfixes
- Added a section on Bugs, Notes, & unresolved Issues, FYI
- Added Keywords - a utility to list all S*BASIC keywords found in a binary file
- Added FSEL - Qmenu's FILE_SELECT$ file selector as an external utility
- Added some new toolkits: Even, LDATA, GETCOL%, WPIX,..
- Added some versatile S*BASIC core routines for sorting and searching
- Added Mag as a utility. This version is compiled and does PIC snapshots. Sources included
- Fixed bug in RPT% re relative position. Update if you use this! (Or tried to!)
- Fixed bug in Rpix. Update if you use this! (Or tried to!)
- Added the source code to the Last Match game.
- Updated HDRen_bas - Issue with medium name length and conventions..
- Updated MDINFO. Fixed MDFSIZE() bug introduced in previous update. If you use these tools you should update!
- Updated FINDNAME%. Important bug fix. (Was linked with wrong library with same name)
- Updated QOMBI. Some tweaks and bug fixes.
- Updated QLWARZ. Now supports medium names up to 20 characters.
- Updated MenView. It should now be Qdos (+TK2) compatible. Sources included.
- Updated Themes utilities, to correct a bug. If you use these tools you should update!
- Updated Wosz toolkit - get window or outline dimensions. Now: window's outside or inside dimensions
- Updated DirUp/DirDn. Now SuperBASIC compatible. (Note: QemuLator needs to be V3.2.2 or later!)
- Updated DOX. Some bug fixes and crash proofing. Needs ptrmen V4.10+!
- Aesthetical tweak to Mondrian screen saver
- Tweaked many more toolkits. Only download a fresh one if old one had problems
- Update to toolkit Library. If you downloaded any toolkit and want to reassemble it yourself, you need this.
- Conditions and Disclaimer page patched to cover source code, and anticipate the future.
- 2019/06/25 Additions, updates, removals, and bugfixes
- Added a bunch of string handling toolkits
- Added some numerical toolkits
- Numerous other toolkits updated too! More error checking; for the benefit of those of you who didnt write them ;o)
- New GO SUB routines: Colourize blobs, add binary data to programs, magnify, block fount routines, ..
- Added date entry tool, as used in FastFind, as a free-standing program
- Updated Chans toolkit and CDBdefs
- Updated: MDINFO and FDEL. (Previous versions wouldnt assemble with new library.)
- Updated toolkit Library. (If you build any of my pick'n mix toolkits, youll need this!)
- Removed some redundant stuff, and some stuff that needs a makeover before being presented again.
- Numerous tweaks and minor fixes to Knoware web
- 2019/04/03 Updates, additions, removals
- Major overhaul of web site and most of its contents.
- Added new game QOMBI V0.96.Check it out!
- Updated D-Miner to V0.22
- Added DOX V0.11 - a DOS/NFA device browser utility
- Removed PickQD
- Numerous other additions and updates. Too many to list!
- 2009/03 Offline
- 2009/02/08 Update and additions
- Article on Pox now included
- Updated a few programs and articles. Minor changes. No need to re-download
- 2007/12/16 Changed contact email address!
- 2007/02/12 Addition
- Virus - Article and listing: Anatomy of a virus. New.
- 2007/01/26 Addition
- MATTOOL - Array manipulation toolkit. New.
- 2006/11/13 Update and additions
- Improved navigation and HTML 4.0 compliance
- LX2 V0.04. Small update. Unzip to, and test from, ram1_
- ssave - A collection of useless screen savers. Updated
- CMP - Simple assembler and S*Basic tools to compare strings. New
- 2006/10/01 Update and additions
- DATE - SMSQ/E compatibility toolkits for QDOS and Minerva
- PED - Index out of range bug fixed. Some minor changes
- Hint - Article on adding hinting to your PE programs
- Sound - Article on adding sampled sounds to your programs
- VLS - Toolkit to save and load arrays and scalar variables to disk
- 2006/04/17 Update
- BUTTON - Tidied code. BUTFREE returns errors
- 2005/04/10 Update
- PED - Reported bugs fixed, except changing palette under Qdos. Some minor additions
- 2005/04/08 Addition
- PED - PSION printer driver utility. For QDOS with TK2 and Wman2, or SMSQE
- 2005/03/27 Addition and Update
- D-Miner - Minesweeper clone for high-end SMSQ/E systems
- Timer V0.09 - small update
- 2005/02/06 Update
- Qwirc V0.66 - update and more bug fixes
- LX2 V0.03 - important change! See Readme for details.
- Msprv V0.07 - bug fix and small update
- 2004/11/10 Update and Additions
- Patch for Msprv
- Qwirc V0.65 - bug fixes
- Added miscellaneous Articles and documents
- Added StatCounter from
- 2004/10/31 Update and Additions
- Problems with Qwirc in QPC2v3.22? A fix is being prepared!
- Fixed html errors in s2hB090
- Added PickQD - a handy utility and demonstration
- Added kbdbtn - a handy utility and demonstration
- Added Last Match - a simple PE game
- Added LX2 - Menu-driven Psion XChange launcher
- Added Calendar - An SBASIC script to produce various printed calendars
- 2004/07/11 Update and Additions
- Updated Disclaimer
- QUIT works with Minerva Multibasics
- Added Button - a MC toolkit to use the Button Frame
- Added DelDir. A mini directory tree traversal tutorial.
- Added HDRen. A routine to rename QXL.WIN (QLWA) hard disks.
- Added Findname. A MC function to check for S*Basic function/procedure names.
- 2004/05/08 Update
- Some links fixed. Fiddled with style sheets, etc
- FastFind B95 full version
- SBSlave V0.01
- 2004/04/05 Some improvements (hopefully)
- Many pages more compliant with HTLM4.0, but more work to do!
- Fixed links (I used '\' instead of '/' in some path names (Thanks LR!)
- Added
- Updated dbf2htm (html bugs removed) and added demo
- 2004/04/04 Minor changes
- Quit web should now work
- Source included with Chanw toolkit
- 2004/04/03 Knoware born
QL Software