WQRDLI ====== WQRDLI - pronounced WORDLY, is a simple solo word game, something between a crossword puzzle and Master Mind(R). If this is the first time you install WQRDLI, skip to the Requirements section. Updaters may wish to follow the steps below to save their score files and/or the trouble of re-writing their configuration files. If none of that matters, then just skip down to Requirements, below, and install WQRDLI anew! Whats new in V0.04? =================== Minor bug fix. If this is your first installation, skip to the Requirements section below. To update from V0.03 simply unzip and overwrite existing installation. But first save your wqrdli_cfg file if you wish to keep your current configuation. To update from V0.01 and V0.02 follow the same steps as for V0.03 Whats new in V0.03? =================== If you are updating from versions 0.01 and 0.02 then some small changes are required to your wqrdli_cfg file(s) and score files! See V0.02, below and/or check out the manual for details! You could, of course, just delete the previous installation and start again.. By popular demand Ive added a character elimination display to the program. As the game progresses, any characters in your guess that do not match any character in the hidden word are marked. This should make it easier to spot characters that should be avoided in your next guess. Whats new in V0.02? =================== The only change to WQRDLI with this version compared to the previous one is that now also losses are logged to the score file. This has resulted in a small change to the score file format. For more information see the "Whats new in V0.02?" section in the manual. Updating V0.01 -> V0.02 ======================= If you previously installed the game to, say EX "win1_zip_unzip"; "ram1_WQRDLI0x.zip -d dev1_games_" to update you just do the same again! (Recommended!) When unzip prompts you to overwrite you could reply with an A for [A]ll WARNING: This may also overwrite your config file! So if you wish to keep this you need to rename it or move it out of the way first and then restore it after unzipping. Requirements ============ SMSQ/E V3.36+ or Qdos/Minerva with + PE2 = ptrgen V2.06+, and wman V2.09+ + TK2 V2.31+ (earlier versions may work) + Home_bin V1.02 (optional but recommended) + Q2S_bin V0.03+ * and + Qlib_run or Qlib_sys V3.36+ + EasyPtr's ptrmen_cde V4.10+ * Q2S_bin and Q2SUX_bin are "compatibility toolkits" that add some SBASIC functionality to SuperBASIC. Toolkits included in the bin_ sub directory. See the ..bin_Q2S_txt document to help you decide which one to use. If in doubt, or cant be bothered, use bin_Q2S_bin. The basic required systems extensions are not included with the distribution as these are widely available from the usual suspects. Screen 512x384+ (although can be made to run under 512x256 at a pinch) Modes 0..33. GD2 with QL colours works well (ie 8-colour mode 4) Installation ============ Unzip the WQRDLI01.zip file into a suitable directory, eg dev1_games_: EX "win1_zip_unzip"; "ram1_WQRDLI0x.zip -d dev1_games_" The zip file will create sub directories under that: games_ your games directory wrd_ WQRDLI's main directory dic_ WQRDLI's word list directory (configurable) src_ Source code directory bin_ Toolkits directory The simplest way to check whether your system satisfies all requirements is to run the boot file LRUN dev1_game_wrd_boot Make a note of any missing toolkits and add instructions to load these to your normal boot script. Alternatively you can run the boot script every time you wish to play WQRDLI. If your system supports the HOME Thing (ie either SMSQ/E or Qdos with the Home_bin toolkit) you are now set to run. You can use most program launchers or simply type: EX dev1_game_wrd_WQRDLI_obj at the command console. If you dont have the HOME Thing, your best bet is to use QJump's Config program or JMS's MenuConfig to patch the Home Directory permanently into the program file. (To revert to using the Home Thing again you need to use Config to set the home directory to blank.) You can also specify the Home Directory on the command line, thus: EX dev1_game_wrd_WQRDLI_obj; '/H dev1_game_wrd_' V0.01, pjw, 2022 Feb 09, new dictionaries V0.02, pjw, 2022 Apr 12, By request: WQRDLI score now includes losses V0.03, pjw, 2022 Jul 21, character elimination display, minor tweaks V0.04, pjw, 2023 Oct 21, Fixed bug in character elimination display Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per Knoware.no
Generated by QuickHTM, 2023 Oct 21