Black Jack ========== I dont know of any way to make this game sexy without playing for real money in an appropriate setting!However, the reason for making this game was not really Black Jack - or BJ for short. It was just going to be one of a batch of testing grounds for a "universal" card game suite of programming tools. For various reasons I never finished that project (and dont know if I ever will) but I thought I might as well make BJ as playable as possible with what Ive got. Thus, the game is not finished and has bits hanging out. But Yes, it can be played and you might catch a glimpse of the possibilities .. Requirements ------------ BJ runs on high colour systems in 512x256 resolution or better. You need Qlib_run V3.36+ or equivalent and EasyPointer's ptrmen_cde V4.10+. Make sure you have at least 400k memory available. BJ uses the Home Directory Thing (normally included with high colour SMSQ/E). If you need to manually set the home directory you can do this with (Menu)Config or by passing the home directory on the command line. In Use ------ Fire up BJ with EXEC, or if it keeps bombing out you may get some clue as to the reason by using ERT FEW("<path>BJ_obj") Drag the Title Bar to move the widow. Only the Sleep and Exit buttons (on the right of the title bar) are functional. Follwow the on-line instructions to play: The object of the game is to get a higher score than the dealer without exceeding 21 points. Press Start to start the game. The Dealer deals a single card. At this point you can alter your stake. Press Next to be dealt your first two cards. Now the stake is fixed until the round is concluded. At this point you have two choices: Pressing Next deals another card; pressing Hold passes the final turn to the dealer. If both you and the dealer get the same score your stake is returned to you. If you get a higher score than the dealer, you get your stake's worth from the dealer, if not you lose your stake. If you get 21 (Black Jack) you get double your stake in return. If you get Black Jack on your initial two cards, the dealer doesnt get to challenge the round and you gain double your stake. If either you or the dealer gets more than 21 you are Busted and the loser loses his stake. If you are dealt five or more cards before Holding and win, you win double your stake. Ace counts as one or eleven. The dealer is programmed to Hold on 17 or more and deal on anything less. Once either you or the dealer is broke you have to quit and restart the game to play again. Program Status -------------- V0.00, pjw, May 14th 1991 V0.04, pjw, February 23rd 2019, using V0.03 DEQ toolkit V0.05, pjw, 2024 Jun 24, Changed homedir logic, added config, etc Please feel free to improve this game! Let me know if you want details of the Deck format (DEQ) and/or the card game toolkit. I'll see if I can dig them out and knock them into shape. The DEQ project stopped after Id spent hours scanning playing cards from various sources and none of them came up to scratch. And the only deck I found usable, and spent time on converting into the required format, turned out to consist of cards at 71x96 pixels - an awkward size for QL sprites (odd X!) something I only noticed later, so I moved on to other projects.. Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per
Generated by QuickHTM, 2024 Jun 24