* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NB!!! On very large screens (more than 1280x768) you have to turn off * * FILL or you will crash your machine!!! This applies to dust_bas and * * disc_bas. the others dont use FILL. FILL was not designed to cope with * * such large screens. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I havent tested what the limit might be, I only know that there doesnt seem to be any problem with these programs on my 1280x768 screen, while on a 1640x1050 they certainly crash it. Please let me know if you find different sizes ok/not ok. Always save your work before testing, until you are quite sure it is ok. You have been warned!!!
PD. Do with them as you like!
pjwitteThe collection has been updated to enable programs to be run on screens with different aspect ratios and sizes than those that were available when this collection was first published. They are not yet truely universal, as they dont automatically calulate the point to pixel mapping of the various QL platforms. You have alter this manually to suit your system. These programs are not guaranteed to run under anything else than QPC2 with SMSQ/E, although it shouldnt be too difficult to make them work under Aurora and Qx0 too.
From SBASIC EXecute these programs, or run them from QD with the SBAS/QD Thing, or compile them into jobs.
All of these screen savers can be made to run under CueDark. See the CueDark manual for details.
Colourfull circles and elipses perculate to the top of the screen. They are subject to decompression and currents. Alter number, speed, speed of growth and other factors in the first few lines of the program.
Spinning discs eminate from a central point and radiate to the edge of the screen, while the background colour changes (switchable) giving a psycedelic effect. Alter number, accelleration, and other factors in the first few lines of the program.
NB! Fill must be turned off for screens larger than 1280x768 or your QL will crash loosing any unsaved data!Or Space Dust. Spinning discs eminate from a central point and radiate to the edge of the screen, all travelling at their own speed. Alter number, accelleration, and other factors in the first few lines of the program.
NB! Fill must be turned off for screens larger than 1280x768 or your QL will crash loosing any unsaved data!Implementation of the classic Starfield Simulation. Fly into deep space and watch the stars whizzing by! Alter number, accelleration, and other factors in the first few lines of the program. You can also alter the size of the horizon for some interestin effects (Look for the horizon section in the code). This is a work in progress!
Exchange blocks. The screen is divided into squares and each random square is swapped with another random square until the whole screen is garbled. This program relies on a configuration file (XCh_cfg), which must be located in the same directory as the program file. The program is ready to compile. Alter the configuration file to suit yourself.
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