
                Logical operations on byte, word or long word


The following bitwise operation functions are implemented:

 result = LOG_AND ( first, second [, size%] )   bitwise logical AND
 result = LOG_OR  ( first, second [, size%] )   bitwise logical OR
 result = LOG_XOR ( first, second [, size%] )   bitwise logical EXCLUSIVE OR

 result = LOG_SHF ( +/-bits_to_shift%,  operand [, size%] )     Shift bits
 result = LOG_ROT ( +/-bits_to_rotate%, operand [, size%] )     Rotate bits

 result = LOG_NOT ( operand [, size%] )         bitwise ones complement (NOT)

      first/operand and second are the operands

      size% is 8 (byte), 16 (integer) or 32 (long). Default 32

      bits_to..% is number of bits to shift or rotate (modulo 32)
      A negative value implies shift/rotate left while positive means
      shift/rotate right

      result is the value resulting from the logical operation

Programming notes

The toolkit comes as a single toolkit containing all the commands.
However, they can easily be reassembled as single keywords binaries
(except AND, OR and XOR, which would require editing the source code to
do, if needed.) This is so that only the one or other command can be added
to bespoke toolkits for specific purposes.

Software status

V0.01, pjw, 1996 Apr 4, a somewhat more ambitious project, not quite completed
V0.02, pjw, 2023 Aug 17, repackaged for the ptool pick 'n' mix toolkit.

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Generated by QuickHTM, 2023 Aug 17