
Tricksy command to test whether a bespoke toolkit is loaded or not.

SMSQ/E only


SBASIC programs can be EXECuted, RUN, or started in other ways. Sometimes
such programs can benefit from special toolkit commands that you may not
wish to load into your main system. If you simply EXecute your program on
each invocation you could just add a line in your code like

        103 LRESPR mytoolkit

to unconditionally load the toolkit on each call. Once the program or
script has done its business it goes away and its toolkit dies with is
leaving no residue.

However, on occasion, or for a different use of your program you may wish
to RUN it, either in your main interpreter or in a daughter SBASIC, then
on each run the toolkit would be reloaded eating up memory on each

In such cases you could, of course, just load the toolkit manually, ie not
as part of your code - if you can remember where it is located - and if
loading it into a SBASIC daughter console, also remember to load it AFTER
you loaded your SBASIC program otherwise the toolkit will just disappear
again, as will it if your type CLEAR, NEW etc.

TRIX could be the simple solution to these various scenarios. Just add it
to any bespoke toolkit you use in such circumstances - it only adds a few
extra bytes, and then add something like the following line to your code:

        103 IF NOT TRIX%: LRESPR 'win1_extras_MySpecialToolkit_bin'

Since TRIX is designed to be added to bespoke toolkits as in my Pick'n'Mix
toolkits described in, you can easily call this command
anything you like, which is useful to avoid confusion. Thus if your toolkit
were called FFILL_bin, you might call TRIX% FFILL% instead, thus:

        103 IF NOT FFILL%: LRESPR HOME_DIR$ & 'FFILL_bin'

The reason TRIX% works is that SBASIC assigns a zero value to unassigned
variables, so, given the example above, if you

        PRINT FFILL%

and the toolkit FFILL_bin is not loaded it will print 0; if FFILL_bin is
loaded FFILL% with return integer 1.

This doesnt work in Qdos/Minerva as the SuperBAASIC interpreter would
simply error on an unassigned variable, as would Qlib and Turbo. However,
if the program is to be compiled LRESPR doesnt make sense anyway. In Qlib
you could then simply wrap the line in off/on directives:

        102 REMark $$off
        103 IF NOT FFILL%: LRESPR HOME_DIR$ & 'FFILL_bin'
        104 REMark $$on

Turbo probably has corresponding directives to exclude code from

Program notes

This toolkit comes only as a source file as it doent make any sense on its
own! To add it to a bespoke toolkit simply add the following line to the
function part of your key file:

        proc_def FFILL%,trix

and in some suitable place in your Qmake link file:

        input etc_TRIX_rel

and then Make. And thats it!

Program status

V0.01, pjw, 2022 Oct 29

               Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per

Generated by QuickHTM, 2022 Nov 05