VALID ===== Test whether a variable is valid as a given type Usage: ------ RETurn VALID%(expected_type, variable) where expected_type is: 0 = long integer, 1 = string, 2 = floating point, 3 = integer. A further "type" exists: -1 = query If the variable, literal or expression does not conform to the expected type the function returns FALSE, otherwise it returns TRUE. An additional bonus of this function is that it returns FALSE if the variable is unset ie, has not been given any value. (This is not true for the SMSQ/E version of SuperBASIC, SBASIC, though. But then it doesn't fall over when it hits an unset variable either But see below for other ways). If you are in doubt about how VALID% interprets its input, try it out in S*BASIC first: x% = 'abc' is the same as VALID%(3, 'abc'), ie BANG! for S*BASIC and 0 for VALID% x% = '5+2': PRINT x% prints 5, not 7! So dont assume that VALID%(3, '5+2') has validated your function! It would approve of VALID%(3, '3/0') too! Try x% = '3/0': PRINT x% But VALID% will not approve VALID%(3, 32768), because 32768 is not a valid integer. Try x% = 32767 and then x% = 32768 Or try PRINT VALID%(2, '1e999') 1E999 is not a valid float under Qdos/SMSQ. Valid floats only go to about +/-1E616. This makes it possible to write procedures in SuperBasic with optional parameters, eg DEFine PROCedure Test1(a$, b, c%) IF NOT VALID%(3, c%): c% = default% PRINT a$,b,c% END DEFine Test1 Set default% to whatever you like and try Test1 '1',2 or Test1 1,2,3 or Test1 '1',2,'rubbish'. (SBASIC requires a slight modification). A variation on VALID% is query: RETurn VALID%(-1, variable) returns the type of the parameter variable as an integer. It does not tell you whether the contents of a variable are valid or not eg whether a$='.-3' is a valid number, as you can using the other type specifications above, but it will tell you the basic type of the variable in question. These are the types that can be tested (values in hex and decimal): $0001 (1) unset str $0201 (513) set str $0301 (769) str array $0002 (2) unset fp $0202 (514) set fp $0302 (770) fp array $0003 (3) unset int $0203 (515) set int $0303 (771) int array also: $0602 (1538) REPeat loop index $0702 (1794) FOR loop index $0300 (0768) Sub string So how to use this capability? Well, to demonstrate how this works: 100 DEFine PROCedure Test2(v) 110 v$ = HEX$(VALID%(-1, v), 16) 120 v% = v$(2): REMark Usage 130 SELect ON v% 140 = 0: PRINT 'This variable is unset!': RETurn 150 = 3: PRINT 'We dont do arrays!': RETurn 160 END SELect 170 : 180 v% = v$(4): REMark Type 190 SELect ON v% 200 = 1: PRINT 'This is a string' 220 = 2: PRINT 'This is a float' 225 = 3: PRINT 'This is an integer' 230 END SELect 240 END DEFine Test2 250 : To try it out, try: 10 Test a 20 a$ = 'abc': Test2 a$ 30 DIM a%(10): Test2 a% 40 Test2 a%(0 TO 0): REMark Is this still an array? 50 Test2 b%: b% = 1: REMark b% hasnt been reached on the first run! 60 : So, as you can readily see, VALID% could be used to create universal functions that act differently on different inputs. You can also tell which separator (ie , ; ! \ TO) variable is followed by, or whether it is preceded by a hash - PRINT VALID%(-1,#2;) but what's the point? Software status: ---------------- Two versions of VALID% are included here: One compact, all-inclusive toolkit, VALIDi ( _BIN and _asm), as per the article on Knoware. Use this toolkit if the function is to be used on its own. The second version has been "modularised" so it can easily be made part of a pick 'n mix toolkit. It appears bulkier, as it uses libraries for routines that may be common to many different commands. V0.01, © PWITTE, 1992 V0.02, pjw, June 23rd 2000, bug fix V0.03, pjw, June 20th 2019, All platforms (two formats) V0.03, pjw, 2021 Oct 19, Only updated this text Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per
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