II2MM ===== Endian conversion Converts a number in "Intel format" to "Motorola format" Syntax: ======= MM% = II2MM_W(II%) or II% = II2MM_W(MM%) and MM = II2MM_L(II) or II = II2MM_L(MM) Examples: ========= PRINT HEX$(II2MM_W($1234), 16) - prints 3412 PRINT HEX$(II2MM_W($3412), 16) - prints 1234 Parameters above can be given as unsigned word integers PRINT HEX$(II2MM_L($12345678), 32) - prints 78563412 PRINT HEX$(II2MM_L($78563412), 32) - prints 12345678 Although parameters above must be given as signed long integers they are treated as unsigned. Thus values > 2^31 - 1 must be given as signed numbers, eg 2^31 => -2^31, 2^31 + 1 => -2^31 + 1 .. 2^32 - 1 => -1 Software status: ================ V0.01, pjw, 2022 Jul 15 Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per Knoware.no
Generated by QuickHTM, 2022 Jul 24