PCBO ==== PC Byte Order: Swap bytes in a word to little-endian byte order Syntax: ------- PCBO% word% Example: -------- n% = $1234 PCBO% n% PRINT '$'; HEX$(n%, 16) output: $3412 Alternatively, in S*BASIC one could do something like: DEFine FuNction PCBO(n%) LOCal n$(4) n$ = HEX$(n%, 16) RETurn HEX(n$(3 TO 4) & n$(1 TO 2)) END DEFine Software status: ---------------- V0.01, pjw, 2018 Now 16 V0.02, pjw, 2019 Jul 01, simplified further Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per Knoware.no