
          Procedure to split a date into its numeric components


        GETDATE [<date>], YYYY%, MM%, DD%, hh%, mn%, ss%, WD%


        <date> is an optional date in seconds. If no date is provided
                  the routine gets the current date from the RTC

The following are all return-only variables, any prior contents will be
overwritten on the routine's return:

        YYYY%  is the year              (1961..2097)

          MM%  is the month             (1..12)

          DD%  is the day of month      (1..28, 29, 31)

          hh%  is the hour              (0.23)

          mn%  is the minute            (0..59)

          ss%  is the seconds           (0..59)

          WD%  is the day of the week   (0..6 = Sunday..Saturday)

Where a date is given, it must be a floating point variable.
All other parameters must be integer (variable name ending on %).
All seven integer parameters must be present, although the actual variable
    may be ommitted, eg:

        GETDATE ,,,,,, WD%: REMark Get today's week day number only

If the LAST parameter is omitted then, in SMSQ/E at least, you need an
    extra comma:

        GETDATE some_date, YYYY%,, DD%,,,,,

Programming notes:

If you subscribed to the ideas presented in, you will have all
the missing bits to re-assemble this code. Only those bits that have not
appeared in the libraries etc earlier are included here.

Otherwise, a link to instructions on how to set about this can be found on
the Toolkits page.

To assemble the code yourself to, for example, add it to a bespoke toolkit,
just unzip library into the standard locations (or copy the
relevant files there) an' Bob's yer uncle!

Software status:

The calendar code is by Laurence Reeves, 1994(?)+
it is released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991,
a copy of which you can view by clicking the above link in

The remaining code is:

V0.01, pjw, 2023 Jul 17

               Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per

Generated by QuickHTM, 2023 Jul 18