
                        Convert long integer to string


        lint$ = LIN2STR$(lint)

        Convert signed long integer to string

        ulint$ = LIN2STR$(lint!)

        Convert unsigned long integer to string


        PRINT LIN2STR$(2^31 - 1)

prints 2147483647

        PRINT LIN2STR$(-1)

prints -1

        PRINT LIN2STR$(-2^31!)

prints 2147483648 (= 2^31)

        PRINT LIN2STR$(-1!)

prints 4294967295 (= 2^32 - 1)

Note: Unsigned values above 2^31 - 1 can only be given as negative numbers,
due to restrictions of the interpretor.

Note: QLib doesnt like trailing separators, so you need to add something after
the exclamation mark, thus:

        PRINT LIN2STR$(-1234! 0)

The trailing digit is ignored by LIN2STR$

Software status:

V0.01 © PWITTE, April 17th 2002
V0.02 March 19th 2004 - nomenclature
V0.03 July 19th 2006  - added back int2str
V0.04, pjw, May 29th 2019, signed and unsigned

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