CLOCK timekeeping ================= CLOCK is a procedure to set up a resident digital clock using the QL's system clock. This command is included in versions of TK2 up to V2.13 but has been removed from later versions due to space constraints. It is present in SMSQ/E, so no need to use this toolkit there! If no window is specified, then a default window is set up in the top RHS of the monitor mode default channel 0. This window is 60 by 20 pixels. The clock may be invoked to execute within a window set up by S*BASIC. In this case the clock job will be removed when the window is closed. syntax: CLOCK [#channel,] [string ] The string is used to define the characters written to the clock window: any character may be written except $ or %. If a dollar sign is found in the string then the next character is checked and $d or $D will insert the three characters of the day of week, $m or $M will insert the three characters of the month. If a percentage sign is found then %y or %Y will insert the two digit year %d or %D will insert the two digit day of month %h or %H will insert the two digit hour %m or %M will insert the two digit minute %s or %S will insert the two digit second The default string is '$d %d $m %h/%m/%s ' a newline should be forced by padding out a line with spaces until the right hand margin of the window is reached. example: 10 OPEN #6,'scr_156x10a32x16' 20 INK #6,0: PAPER #6,4 30 CLOCK #6,'QL time %h:%m' Software status =============== Resident clock program © 1985 T.Tebby QJUMP Packaged by pjw, 2022 Oct 04 The source code can be found in the SMSQ/E repository. Copyright as per the SMSQ/E licence found in the same place.
Generated by QuickHTM, 2022 Oct 13