CSTR$ ===== Fetch a C-type string from memory and return it as a Q-type string Occasionally one encounters the type of strings as used in C and certain other programming languages. They differ from Q-type strings (as I call the way strings are styled unde Qdos/SMSQ) in that they dont have a length word at the beginning, instead they are null-terminated. I wont go into the advantages and disadvantages here, suffice it to say that if you encounter such strings in memory, CSTR$ can deal with them. Usage ===== qstr$ = CSTR$(adr [, skip%]) where qstr$ is the resulting Q-string adr is the location of start of the c-string in memory. Addresses can be either odd or even. On return this contains the address just past the terminating zero. Or it may contain the error code err.bffl, ie Buffer Full (= -5) if the count has passed 32764 bytes without hitting a zero. skip% is an optional skip counter: The number of previous stings to skip to reach the one we want Example 1 ========= 100 REMark Test CSTR$ 110 : 120 CLCHP: CLS 130 adr = ALCHP(100) 140 POKE adr, 'this', 0, 'is', 0, 'a test of CSTR$', 0, 0 150 a = adr 160 REPeat loop 170 qstr$ = CSTR$(a) 180 IF a < 0 OR LEN(qstr$) = 0: EXIT loop 190 PRINT LEN(qstr$)! qstr$ 200 END REPeat loop 210 RECHP adr 220 REPORT a Example 2 ========= 100 REMark Test CSTR$ skip 110 : 120 CLCHP: CLS 130 adr = ALCHP(100) 140 POKE adr, 'string 1', 0, 'string 2', 0, 'string 3', 0 150 a = adr 160 FOR i = 1 TO 3: PRINT CSTR$(a) 170 PRINT 180 a = adr 190 PRINT CSTR$((a), 2) 200 PRINT CSTR$((a), 1) 210 PRINT CSTR$((a), 0) 220 RECHP adr Programming notes ================= This command should work on all systems, including later versions of Turbo. See also CSTRCMP% to compare two c-strings in memory, and COMPM% which compares different specified values in memory including c-strings and n-strings. Software status =============== V0.01, pjw, 2023 Jul 04 V0.02, pjw, 2023 Aug 11, changed buffer for skip Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per Knoware.no
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