A simple string search routine using wildcards
This routine was originally filched from some computer magazine way back
in the mists of time. I no longer remember whether it was writtten in
SuperBASIC or some other language, but I re-worked it and patched it over
the years and have also translated it into assembler a couple of times.
I present it in different versions, as they each have their place,
depending on what you want to do. For simple day-to-day usage this version
is usually adequate.
found% = WILD%(pattern$, string$)
found% is a relatively meaningless number indicating whether the
pattern was found in the string (+ve) or not (0)
pattern$ may contain the following wildcard characters:
? => matches any one character in the search string
* => matches any number of characters, including none
/ => cancels the following wildcard character, including
itself, ie the character following is to be taken
string$ is the string to be searched
PRINT WILD%("abc", "ABC") => 3
PRINT WILD%("a?c", "ABC") => 3
PRINT WILD%("a*", "ABC") => 2
PRINT WILD%("???", "ABC") => 3 (three matching characters)
PRINT WILD%("?*", "ABC") => 2 (at least one character)
Note, however:
PRINT WILD%("*?", "ABC") => 0 (!)
PRINT WILD%("*A", "ABC") => 0
PRINT WILD%("*C", "ABC") => 3
PRINT WILD%("?*", "ABC") => 2 (at least one character)
PRINT WILD%("a/?c", "A?C") => 3
PRINT WILD%("ab/*", "AB*") => 3
PRINT WILD%("ab/*", "ABC") => 0
WILD% doesnt check the syntax of the pattern string, so patterns like
PRINT WILD%("A/BC", "ABC") => 0
PRINT WILD%("A/BC", "abc") => 0
PRINT WILD%("A/bC", "abc") => 3
PRINT WILD%("AbC/", "abc") => 3
which are all mistakes, will give spurious answers.
WILD% uses a simple case translation routine that covers the traditional
Qdos (UK) ASCII character set, but may not be suitable for "foreign"
Note: Due to the way the cancel character has been implemented, characters
0, 1 & 2 (ie CHR$(0)..CHR$(2)) are reserved and cannot form part of either
the pattern or search strings!
The original code looks something like this:
100 DEFine FuNction WLD(pat$, str$)
110 LOCal loop, i, j, ls, p$(40)
120 IF str$ = '' THEN
130 IF pat$ = '':RETurn 1:ELSE :RETurn 0
140 END IF
150 p$ = pat$ & CHR$(0): REMark Sentinel
160 i = 1: j = 1: ls = 1
170 REPeat loop
180 IF p$(j) = '*' THEN
190 j = j + 1: ls = j
200 IF j = LEN(p$) THEN
210 IF LEN(p$) = 2 THEN
220 RETurn 1
230 ELSE
240 RETurn i
250 END IF
260 END IF
270 END IF
280 IF p$(j) INSTR str$(i) & '?' THEN
290 i = i + 1: j = j + 1
300 ELSE
310 IF ls = 1: RETurn 0
320 i = i - j + ls + 1: j = ls
330 END IF
340 IF j > LEN(p$) OR i > LEN(str$): EXIT loop
350 END REPeat loop
360 IF j = LEN(p$) - 1 AND p$(LEN(p$) - 1) = '*': RETurn i
370 IF i <LEN(str$) OR j < LEN(p$): RETurn 0
380 RETurn i
390 END DEFine
400 :
It is also perfectly usable, however it uses a sentinel and has no cancel
character. The assembler version included here, was originally a more or
less direct translation of this code, which is why it may look a bit
contrived. Apart from the modifications mentioned, I havent bothered to
change it much, as it is fiddly work and it seems to work well as it
V0.03, pjw, May 23rd 2019
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