
                          Convert a float to hex

                                                           exp mantissa
Converts a floating point number to a 12-digit hex string: XXXXMMMMMMMM


        flt$ = FLT2HEX$(flt)


100 f  = 1.2345E72:                                  REMark Some float
110 h$ = FLT2HEX$(f):                                REMark Convert

rem Proof it, using the NUMI2S toolkit commands:
120 x$ = INTEGER$(HEX(h$(1 TO 4)))
130 m$ = LONG$(HEX(h$(5 TO)))
140 r  = FLOAT(x$ & m$)

150 PRINT 'float', f:                                REMark Original
160 PRINT 'result', r:                               REMark Result
170 PRINT 'f=r', f = r:                              REMark Original = Result

rem Proof it using (simplified) standard conversion:
180 flt = CvFLT(HEX(h$(1 TO 4)), HEX(h$(5 TO)))
190 PRINT 'flt', flt

200 PRINT 'f = flt', f = flt:                        REMark Original = Result

210 :
220 DEFine FuNction CvFLT(x, b)
230 IF b = 0 OR x = 0: RETurn 0
240 RETurn b * 2 ^ (x - 2079)
250 END DEFine CvFLT
260 :

Software status:

V0.01, pjw, December 3nd 2017
V0.02, pjw, May 29th 2019, modularised

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