
                                Find a job

All of the TK2 JOB/JB commands error if a named job does not exist. Eg
JOB$(<job ID>) is fine with a non-existent ID, but not with a non-
existent name. Thus, the simplest way to check whether a named job exists
is to use JB_FIND.


This function is only compatible with SMSQ/E or compiled programs on Qdos
and Minerva! However, the worst that can happen on Qdos/Minerva is that
once in a while you get the wrong result.

                job_id = JB_FIND("<job name>")

Given a job name, return its ID or -7

JB_FIND("") will ALWAYS return 0, even though it may be asleep or for
some unfathonable reason not exist.

Program status

V0.01, pjw, 2020 Jul 20

               Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per Knoware.no

Generated by QuickHTM, 2023 May 13