JB_FIND ======= Find a job All of the TK2 JOB/JB commands error if a named job does not exist. Eg JOB$(<job ID>) is fine with a non-existent ID, but not with a non- existent name. Thus, the simplest way to check whether a named job exists is to use JB_FIND. Compatibility ------------ This function is only compatible with SMSQ/E or compiled programs on Qdos and Minerva! However, the worst that can happen on Qdos/Minerva is that once in a while you get the wrong result. Usage ----- job_id = JB_FIND("<job name>") Given a job name, return its ID or -7 JB_FIND("") will ALWAYS return 0, even though it may be asleep or for some unfathonable reason not exist. Program status -------------- V0.01, pjw, 2020 Jul 20 Conditions of use and DISCLAIMER as per Knoware.no
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