
This little app is a simple demonstration of Qmenu's Button utility. Its not hard to see how it could be improved - or to what other uses it could be put!

Requires SMSQ/E, or an expanded Qdos machine with PE and the hotkey system and, of course, Qmenu. EXecute it as it is, or compile it and add it to the Button Frame.

10 REMark Keyboard Button
11 REMark pjwitte April 2oo2
12 :
14 :
15 KBD_TABLE 44: REMark Default
16 :
17 REPeat
18 IF BUTTON_SELECT("English"): KBD_TABLE 49: BEEP 999, 2
19 IF BUTTON_SELECT("German "): KBD_TABLE  1: BEEP 999, 2
20 IF BUTTON_SELECT("  US   "): KBD_TABLE 44: BEEP 999, 2
21 END REPeat
22 :
Generated with sb2htm on 2019 Mar 28
©pjwitte March 2oi9